zone 6 women's golf
Zone 6 Women's Junior Golf



There is a change in the Junior Tour this year, no longer a Spring & Summer Tour it will be combined into one Junior Tour. This will mean that "Merit Points" for the Junior of the Year will start on the 1st tournament of the year (instead of Summer Tour usually started end of May) and end on the last tournament of the year. More details are available on our website

We now have a new Junior Girls Chair. Thanks to Monique Saindon-Syring of Pheasant Glen who can be contacted at
We have had a number of past junior players distinguish themselves at BC Summer Games, Provincial and National Championships and as professionals in our Pro Shops.

2023 Maria Schwager 125 Merit points and Isabel Schwager 100 Merit points to date. Check out Junior Order of Merit for overall standings



Property of the Women of Zone 6 Vancouver Island BC