zone 6 women's golf
See CLUB EVENTS for club entry forms and posters

Women's Zone 6 Tournaments 2025

Some events may have been rescheduled or postponed
Please check BC Golf

BC Golf Women's Amateur and Mid Amateur
June 23 to 26
Victoria Golf Club

BC Senior/Super Senior Championship
June 9 to 12
Whistler Golf Club

More information here
Zone Event Date Club
Executive Meeting
Friday, March 8
10:00 a.m.
Qualicum Beach Conference Room
Spring Captains'

Friday, April 28, 2025
Executive at
9:00 a.m.
Clubs at
11:00 a.m.
Handicap Seminar TBD
Rules Seminar TBD
Amateur/Senior Monday, May 5
8:30 a.m. Shotgun
Club Team Scramble
NEW format in 2023
Monday, June 9
8:30 a.m. Shotgun
Net Tournament
NEW format in 2023
Monday, July 7
7:30 a.m. Shotgun
Four Ball Monday, August 18
9:00 a.m. Shotgun
Champion of Champions Monday, Sept 23
9:00 a.m. Shotgun
Executive Meeting Thursday,
September 5

10:00 a.m.
Qualicum Beach Memorial
Conference Room

Closing AGM

Monday, October 21
Executive at 9:00 a.m.
Clubs at 11:00 a.m.

General Information
1. All Zone Tournaments are governed by the 2023 Golf Canada Rules of Golf and the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, and, where applicable, by the Local Rules and Notes to Competitors
2. All players must be members in good standing of BC Golf, and reside in Zone 6
3. All entrants must be members of their Golf Club
4. All levies must be paid to the Zone by May 1 of each year
5 Maximum index is 40.4, with the exception of the Amateur/Senior where the maximum index is 36.6
6. Ties in Gross categories will be broken by sudden death playoff. Ties in Net categories will be broken by matching score cards: comparing final nine holes and 1/2 handicap; if still tied, then final six holes and 1/3 handicap; if still tied, then final three holes and 1/6 handicap; if still tied, then final hole and 1/9 handicap (see Golf Canada Handicap Manual 9-5, iii)
7. Carts must be paid for at the Pro Shop. Please do not include payment with your entry
8. Please make your payment by e-Transfer to and include your club name and the zone event.  See entry forms for more detail.
9. No refunds of payment will be made after the draw has been done
10 All players must play to their current factor (taken a week before each event) regardless of their factor at the time of qualification
11. If you have dietary concerns, please let us know

Event Information
Amateur / Senior
Champ of Champs Tournament
Club Team Scramble
Net Tournament
Four Ball

Property of the Women of Zone 6 Vancouver Island BC